Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Seeing Both Sides of an Argument

It's important to be able to see both sides of an issue, even if you cannot imagine sympathizing with your opposition's viewpoint. This may be easier or harder based on how you feel about an issue. It’s relatively easy to understand someone’s position if you are dispassionate about an issue, but take a topic you are passionate about and it gets exponentially harder. Yet it’s important to understand both sides of an issue for conflict resolution or to support your position more effectively.

  • Using a conflict from your own life, state your position on an argument you have with someone.
  • Then, list three of the best points you have that support why your position is correct or valid.
  • Next, think of three points your opposition would make on why he is right in the matter.
  • Last, refute your opposition’s points.

You will likely need to brainstorm for this assignment!


  1. A good friend should not send nude pictures to her best friend’s ex-boyfriend!!

    • Makes her a bad friend
    • Makes her look like a cheap girl with no self-respect
    • Created a problem within her family

    Oppositions Side:
    • Gives her a self-esteem boost
    • Envious of my relationship
    • Felt vulnerable
    • In all reality she has lost the one person who truly cared for her.
    • She not only lost all my respect, but she has lost the only person who truthfully understood her and loved her.
    • She will probably feel more vulnerable now more than ever because of her actions that lead to losing her only best friend
    • Now men that know of her actions look at her a certain way making her look trashy.
    • Instead of a self-esteem boost, she should feel like a bad person for doing such a horrible thing to her so called best friend.

  2. Argument: Quitting smoking should be done on your own, not because someone obligates you.

    My friend suggested that I stop smoking cigarettes, he gave me reasons as to why he feels I should quit, and I agree, but disagree. I don’t plan on smoking for the rest of my life, but I feel it takes steps to reach my goal of quitting.

    My friend’s opposition:

    Cigarettes cause you to have a bad odor

    They make you stress, and cost too much money

    They’re not good for your health

    My proposition:

    They relieve temporary anger, and stress that could possibly escalate

    I’m an adult, and I choose what I want to do with my life

    It’s something I enjoy to do after having a drink at a social event


    I have about three cigarettes a day maximum; when I make the effort I try to chew gum afterwards to prevent bad breath, and I spray perfume on my clothes in order for them not to smell

    I have a cigarette in order to relieve stress, so while I smoke I normally take time to look around for a view of the town, and not think about my problems.

    I do not buy packs of cigarettes, they sell them by singles at some local stores; usually I use my spare change a buy a few so it doesn’t affect my pocket

    Because I only smoke a few a day, and sometimes none at all, I don’t believe it affects my health. I definitely don’t smoke near, or around my son, or when he’s present.

  3. Going to community college over a regular four year college.
    My side
    • Cheaper and more affordable then a four year college
    • Smaller classes better one on one with student and the teacher
    • You don’t need to pick a major right away

    Opposition side
    • You get to dorm and have a chance to live on your own
    • It looks better graduating from a four year college
    • Four year colleges have more of your age groups rather than a community college were the age doesn’t matter

    The experience to dorm in a college must be a once in a life time experience but you can live without it and college is much more than staying in a college dorm and it shouldn’t really be a big decision towards going to college.
    It doesn’t really matter what type of college degree you get if u can graduate from any college should be good enough.
    You’re going to meet new people in college anyway, it shouldn’t matter if there around your age or not. Meeting new people is always good and age shouldn’t matter in meeting new people.

  4. A so called friend/sister should not spite the other when things get rough in their personal life.

    • I worked three jobs in order to maintain our life style even though she was ungrateful and selfish.
    • I struggled economically to provide for my kids as well as giving her a helping hand, when in return she started to mistreat my kids.
    • Sometimes I put her feelings before my own not thinking of the outcome; on the other hand she disrespected my friendship and my feelings.

    Opposition Side:
    • She felt better about herself and in charge.
    • Since she didn’t have children she felt she had no need to have consideration with mine.
    • She felt like I was going to leave her high and dry economically and physically.

    • She lost a good friend by negative emotions and actions.
    • By being selfish and inconsiderate she has brought nothing but struggles and negativity to her life.
    • I was able to open my eyes and see the wrong and right people do and not let people take advantage of me.
    • No one can take her seriously because of her actions.
    • She has felt lonely and upset of what she has done, but it’s too late to turn back because the damage was done.

  5. My lady friend wants residential custody of child and less time with the daddy.

    - Residential custody gives control to one parent.
    - More hours with mommy benefits child.
    - School and medical control.


    - Custody should be shared.
    - Less hours with daddy not beneficial to child.
    - School and medical should not be controlled by one parent.


    - Residential custody to mom because dad fell short of his duties, e.g. the child got burned on arm with hair heating curler while in his care.
    - More hours with mommy can offer better care due to daddy's carelessness of the child care.
    - School and medical control to mommy because child does not need to be uprooted from the community school where currently resides which can be detrimental for the child in having school buddies and medical decision making due to daddy's negligence of taking child to previous appointments and not filling prescriptions when warranted.

  6. Argument: Lost of a possession dear to someone can really make things go bad between two people.
    I lost a necklace my girlfriend gave to me on Christmas. It was very valuable to both of us.
    Girlfriend’s Opinion:
    • I wasn’t acting responsible enough
    • It meant a lot to her
    • Coast lots of money
    Diego Opinion:
    • Mistakes happen to everyone
    • Money’s comes and goes, so does materials
    • Can’t put meaning to material items

    Refutation: Material things come and go. It should never come between people’s care for one another. If it’s that valuable to someone, you shouldn’t give it away like it was candy then. You should save it and pass it down to your kids or however you think it should be. It shouldn’t ruin a relationship and well as do one. People should see that money, materials come and go and should just see the beauty of love itself.

  7. Argument: You CAN get a job without going to college and receiving a degree.

    My opposition:
     College is not everything in life

     There are other jobs that don’t require a degree

     You don’t always get the job in what you major in

    My proposition:

     Society is advancing- most employers and jobs do require a degree

     Limits career opportunities

     Higher education will grant you a better job


     College may not be everything in life but it is certainly a huge part of it and it can help you get many places and succeed a lot more.

     There may be many other jobs that don’t require a college degree but by not having one a degree you are certainly limiting your career opportunities nonetheless you are also be depreciating your capabilities.

     College doesn’t always guarantee a job in your major but higher education will definitely grant you a better job. Similarly you are better off in society with a college degree working in something similar to your knowledge than not having any of them at all.

  8. Argument:

    Ronald and Frank arm wrestle for the second time for fun. Ronald loses and says it did not count, Frank disagrees.

    Frank’s argument points:
    • It still counts I won even if you say it was for fun.
    • I was equally as tired from the first match with the same arm.
    • You are no longer the arm wrestling champion, because you lost to me.

    Ronald’s argument points:
    • It was just for fun, it did not count.
    • I was tired and did not take it serious.
    • I’m still the Champ, I’m undefeated!


    Ronald, even if it was for “fun”, a match is still a match, resulting always in only one victor. You lost against me, even if it was for recreational fun. We were equally fatigued and both our mindsets were set on defeating the one another. In the end, I conquered your arm. I thus ended your winning streak and took away your “champ” title.

    Frank Rincon

  9. Sometimes my son doesn’t listen to me or have justifications for not doing what I said.

    -He is only 7 years old he should do what I ask him to do.
    -He is smart enough to understand when I talk to him.
    -He should follow rules at home.

    -He thinks he is old enough to make his own decision.
    -He thinks what he is doing is right.
    - He says I don’t listen to him.

    - At the age of seven, kids can make some decisions but not all. Besides they always need the supervision and approval of at least one of the parents.
    - He has reasons for not doing what I requested. My job as a parent is to guide and explain to him the consequences of good or bad actions taken. Prove to him when he is wrong and support his good decisions.
    - I always listen to him, sometimes his reasons are valid but to listen to him doesn’t mean I agree with him. I am the mother and I put the rules, some we decide them together. Yet, we both have to follow instructions. It is contributing in his future development in society.
